
Dr. Lisa Galper

Licensed clinical psychologist, public speaker, and workshop leader.

She provides treatment and counseling for emotional eating and binge eating, anxiety disorders, trauma and PTSD, borderline personality disorder, low self-esteem, depression, relationship issues, stress management, and overall life management. Her focus is to help individuals and couples to clear out the obstacles that get in the way of them living lives of peace and fulfillment. Dr. Galper practices evidence based therapies such as Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) and Mindfulness methods in order to help people get “unstuck” from thought and behavior patterns that no longer serve them. Dr. Galper’s passion is to collaborate closely with clients in order to personally tailor the treatment that will be most effective for them.

Dr. Galper received her Master’s and Doctoral degrees from Nova Southeastern University.

Before her formal training, she was assistant director of the American Anorexia Bulimia Association in New York City. She served as chief psychologist for the Balance Weight Management program at Scottsdale Healthcare and designed and taught curriculum for Scottsdale Weight Loss Center. For 23 years, she has been in private practice providing individual counseling, couples counseling, psychotherapy groups and educational workshops for overcoming stress, anxiety, and depression, ending emotional eating, building self-esteem, healing trauma, comprehensive DBT skills training and healing from addictive relationships.

Many people come to therapy saying they have insight into the causes of their struggles, but can’t seem to make the necessary changes. Dr. Galper helps people make the leap from insight to action. She focuses on helping clients both gain insight AND develop the skills they need to cope with their life challenges more effectively.

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