

People in a circle together

Dialectical Behavior Therapy can help people learn a variety of skills and techniques they can use during situations that, in the past had made them feel overwhelmed, anxious and out of control.

Any skill must be learned and then improved upon through practice. It is a truism that applies to anything from playing piano to riding a bicycle. For many people, this also is true about regulating emotions.

Traditional talk therapy can be extremely helpful for people struggling with emotional pain, however DBT takes it a step further. DBT Skills provide individuals with robust coping strategies to help them take control of their lives.

This treatment helps people identify the triggers that lead to reactive emotional states that drive self-destructive and self-defeating behaviors.

Q: Does DBT really work?

A:  Yes!  Dialectical Behavior Therapy is a form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and its efficacy is backed by a wealth of research and evidence.

Q: How is DBT taught?

A:  We teach DBT in both an individual, and a group setting.  Our skills groups resemble a traditional learning environment.  We teach through group discussion, reading, worksheets and sharing real-life ways DBT can help you every single day.

Q: Will learning DBT skills take too much time?

A: Our DBT groups meet for weekly 90 minute sessions.  DBT groups consist of four modules in these skill areas: Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, and Interpersonal Effectiveness. You are invited to enroll in one of our DBT groups at any time!

Q: Does my individual therapist need to be DBT trained?

A:  That is not required, but DBT is a specific form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, so it is sometimes helpful if he or she does have that knowledge.

Q: How do I begin?

A:  The easiest way is to call our office! We can begin the enrollment process immediately, or we are happy to answer any questions at (480)315-9311.

Dr. Lisa Galper Schedule an appointment

    Contact us if you have further questions related to appointments.

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